I'm LebCit, a Citizen of a small country called Lebanon in the Middle East. I love to read a lot, learn as much as I can, and of course apply and share with others 😉
Once (in 2000) I wanted to make a website, I hired a so called developer who not only stole me but was also no-good at all! ðŸ˜
So, with no knowledge at all in development, I started with Joomla then Drupal and finally felled at home with WordPress.
Then, I became a WordPress theme and plugin developer!
A little bit perfectionist, always trying to improve, I'm now diving in Accessibility, SEO, usability over functionality. This new quest made me take off the highway and go back to the roots: HTML, CSS, JS (Vanilla or Chocolate but not jQuery 🤣).
The first version of my static site (2021) used Eleventy, a simpler static site generator, to bake this site on the classic, solid and clear road! The 11ty experience was nice and allowed me to discover the static world.
In 2022, I've discovered Deta as mentioned in To Node or not? Deta is the answer!.
Since then, I was able to be more productive and bring my ideas on screen, like:
- Blog-Doc: The Simplest Node.js CMS & SSG!
- LiteNode: Fast, lightweight, and independent Node.js web framework
Blog-Doc has evolved over time from a tiny SSG to a CMS & SSG.
LiteNode features an integrated AST-based template engine, offers robust support for parsing and handling Markdown files, serves static assets without requiring server restarts, all of that without dependencies!
Now, I use my own recipes to cook my content 😉
Click on this link to read the posts related to Blog-Doc.
Click on this link to read the posts related to LiteNode.