This post is about the development and usage of MidDay WordPress theme.
Hello everyone,
This WordPress theme wouldn’t have seen the light without:
- Black & White Portfolio Template by
- Blog template by Pure.css
- Ari Stathopoulos blog
- Underscores starter theme for WordPress
- Normalize.css by Nicolas Gallagher
- and our beloved CMS WordPress
After releasing my first WordPress theme,
The Clean Blog, in 2017 and
rewriting it from ground up in 2019, I wanted to create a new responsive, clear, clean, bold
and dead simple WordPress theme, without any unnecessary functionalities or bells and
My main concern was typography, I wanted a responsive, big and bold
typography, so I chose
Mike Riethmuller approach explained in
Precise control over responsive typography.
Then, looking here and there for templates with big sidebar, I've been inspired
by the templates mentioned above.
A little from this, a little from that, and
MidDay's HTML template was born.
Finally, MidDay's HTML template was ported to
1- To use this theme, you have to download it from the WordPress themes repository and add it under Appearance→Themes→Add New→Upload Theme, or search for MidDay under Appearance→Themes→Add New in the backend.
2- Please note that this theme's menu is a one level depth only, meaning that there is no sub-menu, so even if you add them they will not appear.
3- In the Customizer (Appearance→Customize or Customize link in the Admin
Bar), you'll find a panel named MidDay Theme and three sections (for now:
Sidebar Image, Title & Tagline Color, and
Footer Copyright Area) under it.
Under each section, controls are explained in
Note that the first section Sidebar Image is only for the home page,
each post and page can have their own sidebar image by assigning a Featured image to the
post or the page.
4- MidDay is a Responsive, Clear, Clean, Bold and dead Simple WordPress theme. Perfect for personal or company blogs.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Menu is not opening!
This is because this menu needs at least 2 items!The Menu is not showing children items!
This is because this menu is a one level menu only!Does this theme support any plugins?
MidDay includes support for Infinite Scroll in Jetpack.Feedback / Issue?
Head over the support page to tell
me if you’re having some issues or if you wish to see some features added to the theme 😉
can also leave a review on the
reviews page to give me a
push 👍
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Final word
I really hope that this theme will be useful for a lot of WordPress users and that
they'll enjoy using it.
I'll be making improvements to MidDay from time to
time, and be talking about it here, so stay tuned!
This documentation is also available on GitHub.