This post is about the theming feature in Blog-Doc.
I've released the new version of Blog-Doc about a month ago. Since then, I've decided that Blog-Doc must have a feature that allows the user to change the look and feel of the generated static site with ease.
This decision forced me to modify the architecture of Blog-Doc in a way that will preserve the data while switching from one theme to another and keep all the functionalities working regardless of the chosen design.
Blog-Doc ships with a default theme based on the
Responsive Side Menu Layout of Pure.css.
In the past, I've developed a WordPress theme based on the
Clean Blog from Start Bootstrap.
Now, it's the first available theme in Blog-Doc.
The following 30-second video shows how easy it is to switch between themes in Blog-Doc.
If you ever code a theme for Blog-Doc and wish to list it among
the available themes, you can let me
know in the Discussions of Blog-Doc's repository under the
Please keep in mind that Blog-Doc themes MUST only use plain JavaScript and cannot contain
any code or image(s) that have publishing and/or distribution restrictions!